Thoughts and ideas from the team at Think3D

Survey Says: Unlocking Insights with Every Response Part 1
In the year 2024, if you’re not doing some sort of assessments and/or surveys at least once a year to measure things like engagement, experience and more, you’re making a big mistake. At a baseline, you need to be measuring your employee experience/engagement no less...

What Every Company Should Be Doing to Invest in Their Culture
There are literally thousands of articles, blogs, resources, videos and tools that can claim to tell you all the “tips and hacks to having a great organizational culture.” The reality is, that unless someone knows you, your team, and your organization well, it’s...

The Best Investment Your Business Can Make
What does it mean when you say that all people are an organization’s greatest asset?
Peter Drucker talked about this concept and it came out of a period of time when most organizations had it backwards. This really went wrong back in the 70’s and 80’s. Organizations looked at their balance sheets and realized that they didn’t need more machines, but people. However when you look at the way those balance sheets were split up, it didn’t make much sense.
Deposits and Withdrawals – Balancing Your Relational Investments
Explain the concept of “Deposits and Withdrawals”, what does that mean? If you go to your...
Nobody Wants to Work…
Does nobody want to work, or does nobody want to work for you? We sit down with Co-Founder...
Culture creates DE&I
Diversity, equity and inclusion aren’t just strategic initiatives or part of your focus – they are...
12 Keys to Motivation
How do you create motivation? How do you keep it up when things get hard?...
Why Every Company Should Have a Belief Statement
Take a moment and think about your work, your business, your team, etc. – in terms of a ship, and...
Throw Back Podcast Episode: Building Culture in Service-Based Businesses
In this episode of "Do Work Better", we're featuring an interview Dan did on a friends podcast....
How to start building a better work culture
Treat your culture like an ecosystem When you think about an ecosystem, what comes to mind?...
Employee Turnover – The Hidden Costs of Attrition
Article Originally Published: July 2019 EDIT [12/17/2021]: Before you continue and read the...
Work Always Answers The Door
What is the excuse you have always used for not achieving your goals? Opportunity often looks like...
Why Every Organization Needs a Leadership Development Program
EDIT: This article was originally posted on LinkedIn by Daniel Card, our then Director of...
Attitude: A Perspective for Success
If you had the ability to improve one area of your personal and professional life that would give...
Navigating Life’s Transitions and Seasons
Benefiting from a Culture of Recognition
There is no denying that there is currently a massive shift occurring that is rapidly altering the...
Culture Conversations 2019 – Round 2
Culture Con 2019 - Culture Conversations Round 2
Stop Blaming Millennials and Start Motivating Them (Part 2)
UPDATE: This is a continuation of an older blog post from Think 3D. In this second edition, we...
Thinking Out Loud – Ep. 08
Thinking Out Loud – Ep. 07
Thinking Out Loud – Ep. 06