Thoughts and ideas from the team at Think3D

Survey Says: Unlocking Insights with Every Response Part 1
In the year 2024, if you’re not doing some sort of assessments and/or surveys at least once a year...

Deposits and Withdrawals – Balancing Your Relational Investments
Explain the concept of “Deposits and Withdrawals”, what does that mean? If you go to your financial institution and you go to make a withdrawal and you have not been making deposits, one or two things is gonna happen. You are going to get denied or you're going to...

Nobody Wants to Work…
Does nobody want to work, or does nobody want to work for you? We sit down with Co-Founder and CHO (Chief Heart Officer) of Think 3D Solutions, Vaney Hariri to talk about work, engaging and developing workforce, and what he thinks is a priority for businesses...

Culture creates DE&I
Diversity, equity and inclusion aren’t just strategic initiatives or part of your focus – they are and should be a byproduct of your culture… We get asked a lot… “can you guys help us with DE&I?” At least once a week or more...
Thinking Out Loud – Ep. 05 How important...
Thinking Out Loud – Ep. 02
Young Professionals speak on the workplace, leadership, stereotypes, and purpose…
Think 3D Solutions – Startup Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls is home to a vibrant entrepreneurial community. At Think 3D we are always...
Thinking Out Loud – Ep. 01
The Culture of Customer Service
Every company claims that they value customer service, and every company says they are good at it....
Think3D Speaking in Atlanta
Come join us in Atlanta where we will be speaking on Monday, April 16th about the power of culture...
Think 3D Culture Conversations-Clint Brown
Think 3D Culture Conversations- Dr. Derrick Robinson
Disrupt HR Presentation
The Power Of Culture | Vaney Hariri | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo. Our presentation at...
Whiteboarding Think 3D
Lets talk about your company culture.
The Dream is Free
The Dream is free, but execution takes work. What are you doing to execute?
Why is it so hard to do the little things that would improve our lives?
Are you a giver or a taker?
Thadeus Giedd, Operations Manager at The Bakery, sent us this great TED talk talking about what it...
The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure
What would happen in our companies if we started celebrating failure? Submitted by Thadeus Giedd...
Culture is the New Currency
There was a time when leaders talking about culture was accompanied by eye rolls and chuckles....
Don’t Just Incentivize Your Team…Motivate Them.
At Think 3D we often hear the question “How do I better motivate my team?” This question is...
Our Ribbon Cutting
On March 9th, 2017, we had our ribbon cutting in the Zeal Center for Entrepreneurship. This was an...
Stop Blaming Millennials and Start Motivating Them (Part 1)
As organizational culture coaches we get asked a lot of questions about changes to the workforce....