The only step you are responsible for, is the next step.

What does it take to do something truly significant? What does that mean?

How do you take an idea or a desire and turn it into reality? How do you make the people, places, and communities around you, better?

What happens when you act courageously and take the first step, knowing that you will do whatever it takes in order to accomplish your goal?

We call this, “trusting the process”.


CultureCon Black Hills | 9.24.204








CultureCon Sioux Falls | 10.29.2024









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We’re taking applications for CultureCon Speakers, use the link below.

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Click below to get in touch!

2021 Behind the Scenes

One of the biggest things we stress with our clients and our team – is the importance of developing the skill of figuring it out. A skill that was tested during 2020 and 2021. As we emerged from an unstable, and taxing year we felt it appropriate to talk about figuring it out. 

CultureCon 2021 – Figure it Out, was all about telling people in our community how we and others did, and are continuing to figure it out. In workplaces, our homes, and our communities – we must move forward, we must adapt, we must, Figure It Out.

Enjoy a look behind the scenes as we prepared and planned for CultureCon 2021.

CultureCon 2019

At Think 3D, we believe in people.

What that means is that we believe everyone is valuable, and deserves an opportunity to be or become, the best version of themselves.

In organizations and families alike, many of us are silently suffering under the weight of depression, anxiety, stress, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, and fear.

CultureCon 2019 was about one thing and one thing only – the fact that “A Better You, Is Better For Everyone.”

CultureCon 2019

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CultureCon 2018

CULTURE is Currency.

Everyday in businesses all over the world, people come to work, they do their jobs, they collect paycheck, and they go home. 

The truth is, that we take home much more than a paycheck. We take home the collective result of the choices, attitudes, and beliefs of everyone in the organization – for better or for worse.

This is what we mean, when we say – Culture Is Currency.

Get Registered!

Tickets are going fast. Click below to reserve your seat or purchase a table for your organization.

A Think 3D Production

401 E 8th St #207
Sioux Falls, SD 57103

